The importance of promoting secure attachments with children.
Information,Advice and Resources for
Foster Carers, & Adoptive Parents.
Suggested posts for New Foster Carers & Adoptive Parents.
These are the basics and will hopefully answer some of the questions you may still have. Even though you have been through your fostering induction or adoption training, I'm sure there will still be lots you are wondering about. I know there was when I started and for the first few years too.
The Secret Ingredient to Foster Parenting
Do you Struggle to understand your child’s behaviour? Or your reaction to it?
One Caring Adult
Countdown Caterpillar
Why do children come into Foster Care?
Free Books
What do Foster Carers Do?
How does Fostering fit with you and your family.
A call about a foster placement.
Information you need before agreeing to take a child.
Integrating a new child into your family.
Keeping Siblings Together.
Relationships with Birth Families & Professionals.
The importance of taking things slowly.
Explaining Foster Care to Children.
Child Centred Caring
Things I wish I’d known.